Friday, April 21, 2017

Turning food pouch and drink box messes upside down with The Flipping Holder.

Back in March I had the pleasure of being invited to speak at an event in the Chicago area called Mommycon. I was roaming around the vendor hall and spotted a product that looked like it could be the answer to a serious problem I had been dealing with.

You see, like many other parents whose small children have discovered applesauce pouches and juice boxes, mine have also discovered that given just the right amount of pressure they make great food fountains. So when being tasked with the choice of either giving my one year old an applesauce and knowing he is going to leave a trail of it from the kitchen to the living room with absolutely no regard for the guy who has to clean it up or saying the two letter word that leads to my ears bleeding and my teeth gnashing from the sound of tantrumized banshee screams (NO), I usually avoid the later and begrudgingly deal with the mess.

But NO MORE. You see Leah and her team over at LCeeeDesigns have created this amazing life saver of a product called The Flipping Holder and its flipping awesome.

The Flipping Holder is essentially a hard plastic protective shell for food pouches with a couple of super hero level tricks up its sleeve.

The top has probably the coolest and most useful feature by having the perfect sized notch for literally every single pouch brand I could find (As seen in the photos) to fit in. Most of them have a matching notch in the spout that when slid into place secures that pouch from being able to move ANYWHERE.

A few of the smaller ones did not initially look as if the would work due to their lack of notched spout, however the threads that hold the cap on have the absolute perfect spacing to fit right into The Flipping Holders notch and secure it in.

On either side of the shell is two handles that my son loves because he has complete control over the pouch and being that he doesn't ever ever ever, even in his sleep, stop moving, he can easily run around wildly and hold his food securely with just one hand.

The Flipping Holders final act is one that takes it from one hit wonder to daily necessity and is the reason for its name. Take and flip it over and it goes from pouch holder to juice box holder. Cool thing is that it works with, once again, every single juice box and pouch I could buy. The standard cardboard box fit like a glove. The dreaded juice pouch with the impossible straw hole is no match. I was even surprised to find out that not only could I still in 2017 buy a individual Kool-Aid juice but that it also fit exceptionally well in The Flipping Holder.

I would like to tell you guys that I know as parents we all have our daily challenges and ever increasing expectations to do it all and we really don't seem to ever give ourselves enough credit for what we do. We don't take the time to keep our own parental sanity in check often enough and it is product like The Flipping Holder that make me thankful that a handful of parents are still out there working on helping us find simple solutions to get through the day with one less headache.